
Thursday Apr 20, 2017
Thursday Apr 20, 2017
When ya gotta have a Bro Beer, ya gotta have an 805... bro. That's right, somebody on the show may have had a Firestone Walker 805. Some other things that happen on the show this week:
Is a crowler better than having a 16oz can?
People are not ordering off the "Chalkboard" enough at Yardhouse.
Craft beer inside a kid's amusement park?
The goodness of Alpine in Ohio.
How does a Baby Parabola hold up?
The Power of Love...for beer.
What is micro-dosing in a taproom?
There is a lot more but those are some of the things. Check it out:
Click: DryHopTheThingsPour197.mp351.5 MB | 1:52:38 | Bad Language
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HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Review us and subscribe on iTunes. Subscribe in Google Play.
Talk to us on our Facebook page and Google + page.

Friday Apr 14, 2017
Friday Apr 14, 2017
Hope you have warmed up with a good beer before we get into the serious drinking. This week we hang out, drink and talk about stuff like:
Drinking craft beer at Chilli's.
What to drink during Easter.
What's up with this "Hop Dust"?
Food Network knows not beer.
Is Brew Dog still punk?
What were the Beers of the Episode?
All that with beer releases to look out for, beers we were caught drinking and a lot more things of beer.
Click to listen: PerfectPour196.mp3
Sign up for the Perfect Pour newsletter
Donate to us on Patreon.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Review us and subscribe on iTunes. Subscribe in Google Play.
Talk to us on our Facebook page and Google + page.

Friday Apr 07, 2017
Friday Apr 07, 2017
Things have been quiet around here for a few weeks so we decided to wake up the Indie Beer Gods and have Tyler (Head Awesome Dude at Libertine Brewing), Rad Stacey (New Belgium) and Tony Bagz (from THAT episode and Central Coast Distributing), on the show again. It'll be FUN.
There might be some surf talk, brewing talk, New Belg talk, beer bar talk, sour beer advice, bad Mother's Day advice, and lots of drinking!!
Click to LISTEN!: ThePerfectPourBagzJam.mp371.3 | 2:35:47 | Fowl Language
Heads up on the length... it may be a record. So, I guess "Sorry?" or "You're welcome!" for that.
Sign up for the Perfect Pour newsletter
Donate to us on Patreon.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Review us and subscribe on iTunes. Subscribe in Google Play.
Talk to us on our Facebook page and Google + page.

Friday Mar 31, 2017
Friday Mar 31, 2017
One of us is declaring double IPAs to be over. Done. We also explore what it's like working and all day festival at a beer garden, Untappd updates, things are happening in Fresno's burgeoning beer scene and more loose beer geek goodness.
Plus some interesting beer releases to look out for, listener questions and plenty of beer tasting!
Click to listen: DoubleOverPerfectPour194.mp352.8MB | 1:55:29 | Fowl Language
SIGN UP: For Mikey’s (soon to start) craft beer/Perfect Pour newsletter: Top Pour !
DONATE TO US: On Patreon to be a Golden God.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
CONTACT: Email Perfect Pour.
SUBSCRIBE OR REVIEW: on iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play.

Friday Mar 24, 2017
Friday Mar 24, 2017
Hey, you. Glad you're here. Pull up a stool, sit down and have a beer with us.
This week we are going to be upset that the Tour De Fat is not coming to our town. We drink our sorrows away with some great beer, including a grower beer. Not to mention, we decide which brewer is the hottest in Calfornia, mention our show glossary, talk new beer releases, what we were caught drinking, listener voicemails, what it's like to have a weak buzz, bad Uber rides and Weezer. Plus much more craft beer talk goodness.
Thank you so much for listening! Cheers!
LISTEN HERE!: PerfectPour193.mp353MB | 1:55:56 | Corse Language
SIGN UP: For Mikey’s (soon to start) craft beer/Perfect Pour newsletter: Top Pour !
DONATE TO US: On Patreon to be a Golden God.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
CONTACT: Email Perfect Pour.
SUBSCRIBE OR REVIEW: on iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play.

Friday Mar 17, 2017
Friday Mar 17, 2017
Alright, alright. Things have gotten a little rowdy. Let's settle down and get back to a classic Perfect Pour episode: beer geek talking, drinking and dreaming.
We talk about getting on the front page of the iTunes Podcast page, THAT episode, the Top 50 Craft Breweries list, new beer releases to Look Out For, play voicemails and figure out the best way to Day Drink.
Have some beer fun with us! Cheers!
Click to listen!: PerfectMellowPour192.mp3 56.4MB || 2:03:14 || Some Fowl Language
SIGN UP: For Mikey’s (soon to start) craft beer/Perfect Pour newsletter: Top Pour !
DONATE TO US: On Patreon to be a Golden God.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
CONTACT: Email Perfect Pour.
SUBSCRIBE OR REVIEW: on iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play.
![Rad Stacey [New Belgium Brewing] & Shana - Clam Jam #2](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog582743/190.png)
Friday Mar 03, 2017
Friday Mar 03, 2017
I hope you are ok with taints. And urinal talk. Really. Prepare yourself. Lock yourself away in your Beer Closet and listen.
Don't freak out though because there is our usual craft beer talk. We have some beers to look out for, beer festival reviews and the Clam Jam reveals what is THE thing Beer Geeks are being crazy about in a craft beer bar, right now.
Click to listen: ClamJam2Pour190.mp364.7 || 2:21:32 || Crass Language!!
SIGN UP: For Mikey’s (soon to start) craft beer/Perfect Pour newsletter: Top Pour !
DONATE TO US: On Patreon to be a Golden God.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
CONTACT: Email Perfect Pour.
SUBSCRIBE OR REVIEW: on iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play.

Friday Feb 24, 2017
Friday Feb 24, 2017
Making sure your beer is heard, it's The Perfect Pour! Is there ever going to be a Beer Week in Fresno?
This week we challenge ourselves to make the best $20 beer run we can.
We also explore news from the world of craft beer, look out for some new beer releases, figure out if there ever going to be a Beer Week in Fresno and have more discussions about show beers as we listen to a new song from Paul that just may relate to this. Plus many more beer things ... of radness.
Click to listen: PerfectPour189.mp350.3MB | 1:50:00 | Fowl Language
SIGN UP: For Mikey’s (soon to start) craft beer/Perfect Pour newsletter: Top Pour !
DONATE TO US: On Patreon to be a Golden God.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
CONTACT: Email Perfect Pour.
SUBSCRIBE OR REVIEW: on iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play.

Friday Feb 17, 2017
Friday Feb 17, 2017
Our craft beer party has things like:
A big update from our favorite beer app, Untappd, and Scotty B! soft beer openings, T
Wait. You want more? Okay, there are soft beer openings, there is word on the new Sierra Nevada Beer Camp 12-pack, people need to stop saying "brew", a Los Angeles get together with some Perfect Pour listeners might have happened, the show gets ripped big time on iTunes, Mikey has excessive liquid at Chilli's, a new drop from Paul, a beer is named after a Perfect Pour thing, are crowlers allowed in the shower? AND MUCH MORE!
Click to listen: PerfectScotty188.mp3 53.7mb ||1:57:00 || Fowl Language
SIGN UP: For Mikey’s (soon to start) craft beer/Perfect Pour newsletter: Top Pour !
DONATE TO US: On Patreon to be a Golden God.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
CONTACT: Email Perfect Pour.
SUBSCRIBE OR REVIEW: on iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play.

Friday Feb 10, 2017
Friday Feb 10, 2017
Mike, Head Brewer from Full Circle Brewing, stops by to talk about brewing and what is happening at Full Circle.
Plus, Matt may or may not have returned, we try a Pliny The Elder and decide if this classic needs to keep up with the new DIPAs or if it's still the most awesome double IPA ever.
Of course we give you a heads-up on what to be looking out for in new beer releases, have fun with listeners calling in and plenty of beer talk!
Click: PerfectPourCircle187.mp361MB || 2:13:27 || Language
Mikey on Spanspek Podcast.
SIGN UP: For Mikey’s (soon to start) craft beer/Perfect Pour newsletter: Top Pour !
DONATE TO US: On Patreon to be a Golden God.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
CONTACT: Email Perfect Pour.
SUBSCRIBE OR REVIEW: on iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play.