Perfect Pour Craft Beer Podcast

The fun parts of being a Beer Geek! Weekly Craft Beer culture and drinking.

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Friday Aug 31, 2018

We are here for beer stories as we start with one and move into the two hours of beer geeking from there. Hope you are ready to have fun with us and listen.
Lagers all day on this episode. Just kidding, there is only one lager. It's not a weak lager but we do hear about weak ones from Paul. This is a roundabout way of saying a new Paul song might have broken the show.
Hey, look! A new show-notes feature!: Voicemails start at 30:15 mark and they end at the 1:35:40 mark. Wow. That's a lot of voicemail time. Do with this information as you see fit.
CLICK YO LISTEN HERE: PerfectPour266.mp357.2MB | 2:05:02 | Some bad language.
SUPPORT THE SHOW AND CHECK THESE OUT:Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey's Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour's YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 9371

Friday Aug 24, 2018

This episode was not brewed in Portland.
Check it out: PerfectPour265.mp355.6MB | 2:01:30 | Fowl Language
SUPPORT THE SHOW AND CHECK THESE OUT:Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey's Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour's YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send swag” to us address/Self Addressed envelope for stickers:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 9371

Friday Aug 17, 2018

Not everybody knows everything about beer. Some still think it's better to buy warm beer if you'll be transferring it warm. We are here to tell you that is wrong. Duh. In this episode, we tell you other beer and show things too. Some of those things are:
Craft Beer crawls.
Denver beer spots we would hit.
OKC is coming up in the beer world.
A follow up on ChewYourBeer's story.
Backyard Beerfests.
Weezer beer names.
Many more things.
Thanks for listening!
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour264.mp350.6MB | 1:50:43 | Fowl Language!
SUPPORT THE SHOW AND CHECK THESE OUT:Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey's Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour's YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send swag” to us address/Self Addressed envelope for stickers:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 9371

Friday Aug 10, 2018

This show, man. This show. We have fun. Craft beer-fueled fun. Things happen on this show. This episode is no different.
Never before have the voicemails been so interesting. You will hear a different side of one of our regular callers. Something any fan of the show will want to hear. Don't miss it.
Really the voicemails are all over the place and as good as ever, so pre-cheers to all that make the show better.
There is also a lot of post 805 Day talk. Beer culture news, beer releases to look out for and much more.
Listen once and you'll be chanting "Willard's! Willard's! Willard's!"
CLICK: PerectPour263.mp355.4MB | 2:01:05 | Fowl Language
SUPPORT THE SHOW AND CHECK THESE OUT:Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey's Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour's YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send swag” to us address/Self Addressed envelope for stickers:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 9371

Friday Aug 03, 2018

There are two important bits of beer information within this episode.
FIRST: It's Nick's Birthday.
SECOND: There is a Perfect Pour social media schedule for Sunday's #805Day!:
Nick: 8:05 AM - Nick will be drinking his 805 on Instagram Live.Mikey: 8:05 PM - Mikey will be live on the Perfect Pour YouTube channel with his 805.
Really that should be enough to entice you to listen this week. I could explain more of what happens but you know enough.
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour262.mp350.7MB | 1:50:57 | Some Nasty language
Sorry about the crickets.Page for 805 Day.
Donate to us on Patreon.
SUPPORT THE SHOW AND CHECK THESE OUT:Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey's Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour's YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send swag” to us address/Self Addressed envelope for stickers:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 9371

Friday Jul 27, 2018

Full tap list of hosts this week as we take on beer geeky subjects like:
What it would take to have an Untappd Board of your own.
Would you drink boxed beer?
Is the glass you're drinking out of sanitized properly?
Live drinking from an "IPA bowl".
More craft beer 'tall boys' please.
Brut IPAs are a total bust.
Details for 805 Day.
All that and a lot more! Please join us on the Treasure Coast of Craft Beer and listen:
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: PerfectPourEP261.mp350.7MB | 1:50:57 | Some Fowl Language
Donate to us on Patreon.
SUPPORT THE SHOW AND CHECK THESE OUT:Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterHOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send swag” to us address/Self Addressed envelope for stickers:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Jul 20, 2018

This week we podcast poolside, jet and cricket noises and all!
We explore whether "Steal the glass night" at your local restaurant is still a thing. 
Colton hooked us up with some Cushnoc beer and we realize that Maine has quite the beer scene.
Where to stand with the Three Weavers "buyout", or whatever it is, and why, even if they are still indie, it might be bad for smaller craft brewers.
This and a whole lot more craft beer things. Hopefully, our motion light stays on long enough for you to listen.
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: PoolsidePour260.mp355.8MB | 2:01:56 | Language Warning
SUPPORT THE SHOW AND CHECK THESE OUT:Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterHOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.Donate to us on Patreon.
Our “send swag” to us address/Self Addressed envelope for stickers:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Jul 13, 2018

Let's welcome back @radstacey as we celebrate three years of the beer bar, Goldstein's, and answer the question "Can you drink beer out of a camel pack?" We also tackle some other beer geeky things.
You will never guess what is the most popular beer at Goldstein's - Mikey is still in shock.
Growers" is a funny beer name, okay?
Sparging is so hot.
Where is all the stout making advise?
Are you allowed to be a true Beer Geek if you don't use the term "aqueous"?
This may be the first time multiple milkshake IPAs are drunk on the show.
Remember to make your best Fuchi Face while you listen.
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: RadPerfectPour259.mp365.8MB | 2:23:53 | Fowl Language
SUPPORT THE SHOW AND CHECKSubscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterHOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.Donate to us on Patreon.
Our “send swag” to us address/Self Addressed envelope for stickers:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Thursday Jul 05, 2018

Having trouble filling your Lager Hole? Do you even know what a Lager Hole is? You are in luck because we fill all Lager Holes with this episode, even if we don't drink one.

Thanks for giving us a listen and keep up the good work... ... GUYS!

Check out all our things at

Friday Jun 29, 2018

Some things to listen for this week!:
More exclusive beers! That's what we want! 
What we don't want? Date smudging and drinking buyout beer.
I don't think we do that this week but maybe we do.
Can't distribute them hazy beers, bro.
Do you buy Big Beer for OTHER people if you are an Indie Beer Guy?
The fake beer that much of Hollywood uses.
Has cold beer come to Oklahoma?
These things and much more!
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: SecondaryMarketPour.mp359.9MB | 2:11:02 | Fowl Language Sometimes
Thank you for being here and listening!
SUPPORT THE SHOW AND CHECKSubscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterHOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.Donate to us on Patreon.
Our “send swag” to us address/Self Addressed envelope for stickers:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

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