
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Grinder episode. This is a grinder episode: Show up. Drink beer. Podcast. Wait for next week.
The thing to takeaway from this episode is that nobody wants to change the term "Bottle Share" to "Can Share". Nobody.
Also, Mikey's performance was terrible this episode. Just warning you. I blame the cider.
Click to download: PerfectPour276.mp345 MB | 1:38:28 | Language Bad
Cheers to your listening!
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Nov 02, 2018
Friday Nov 02, 2018
We're all searching for the latest haze, a break in this routine. Talking some new hops, ones like you ain't never seen. This is home. This is Haze Street.
-David Lee Roth (probably)
Ever had a double Brut IPA? We have one on this episode. We have a lot more too. And we talk about the beer things. And hear from listening listeners talk about their beer things. All of this and more will happen if you listen.
CLICK!: PerfectPour275.mp351.8MB | 1:53:17 | Some Language
Cheers to your listening!
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Oct 26, 2018
Friday Oct 26, 2018
WATCH IT! This episode has no doors or windows, you'll have problems finding a way out.
We triple batched this episode with Nelson Hops and Pliny talk to keep it beer geeky fresh. Speaking of beer geek talk, we reveal what the hottest new beer in the country and give a MAJOR Tap Room Update that relates to a listener of the show.
There is a lot more fun than that, please give us a listen and find out.
DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour274.mp3
Cheers to your listening!
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Oct 19, 2018
Friday Oct 19, 2018
This is what has become of craft beer. We are excited about Buffalo Wild Wings partnering with the Brewers Association. Yep.
Join us this week as we talk about that and a whole host of other good beer geeky things
Click to download: PerfectPourWings273.mp3
Thanks for listening!!
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Russian River Brewing has finally expanded! They are now producing a lot more Pliny than before. But does that mean you'll be able to get Pliny in YOUR town now? We figure this out on this week's episode.
Also, Hazy Beer has the shelf stability of bananas. Happy listening.
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: perfectpour271.mp348.00 | 1:46:41 | Language
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
We are entering another Dark Time for craft beer. Brewery closures and cutbacks are the trend, so it's time to hunker down and wait it out until the next surge.
At least there is a lot of equipment out there to be had for the new breweries that are brave enough to open. And we have a lot more local taprooms than we did before the latest craft beer expansion, so there are places to wait things out.
This episode also has...
Nick went to Seattle and Portland and checked out their beer scenes. It seems nobody has told Seattle that we are in the middle of a Haze Craze and Nick wants everyone to leave them alone.
Taproom hoping with people that are not beer geeks can be fun... until about the third room.
Our 4th and final crowler in our Fieldwork Brewing series is cracked.
There was a Podcast Rep GETIT at Monkish Brewing.
Don't forget, the Mr. Beer Kit is a system!
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour271.mp351.7MB | 1:53:04 | Some Language
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 9371

Friday Sep 28, 2018
Friday Sep 28, 2018
As much as we love gold, we did not win any at GABF. But we had "people" there. People like "Jake From State Farm". He (along with some other listeners) was actually there and gives us a post GABF report as he fills in for the vacationing, Nick.
There is a lot more beer geek fun than that, but don't trust me, just listen, bro.
CLICK TO LISTEN: PerfectPostPour270.mp350.6MB | 1:50:34 | Language
Links mentioned this week:-Join Mikey's Fantasy Hockey League here:https://hockey.fantasysports.yahoo.com/hockey/88877/invitation?key=a4c3894f46b177dd&ikey=d3ed3d9fc37d43d0&soc_src=app-sh
-Mikey's post about Untappd:https://mikeytoppour.com/how-to-use-untappd/
CHECK THESE SHOW LINKS:Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 9371

Friday Sep 21, 2018
Friday Sep 21, 2018
Not trying to get into your business. But really, how do you afford it? It's okay, we don't really explore that this episode, but we need to someday.
We do explore Narwhal in 12oz bottles, get pumped for the opening of Russian River's Windsor facility and all the GetIts that GABF might have produced, plus a whole lot more Indie Beer Geek fun!
Hope you were Lookin' Out For some beer friends. We out here.
CLICK: PerfectPour269.mp342.8MB | 1:33:37 | Some Bad Language
SUPPORT THE SHOW AND CHECK THESE OUT:Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 9371

Friday Sep 14, 2018
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Welcome once again to our happy funtime craft beer show!
Matt is back from California Craft Brewers Summit and has a story or two.Russian River is brewing at their new facility, will we get some more Plinys out of it?Our first pumpkin beer of the season is opened and Untapped tips are given.
Also, lots of voicemails, beer releases, and many other beer geek things!
Thanks for joining us, enjoy the show!
CLICK: PumpkinBeerPour.mp356.2MB | 2:02:48 | Fowl Language
SUPPORT THE SHOW AND CHECK THESE OUT:Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 9371

Friday Sep 07, 2018
Friday Sep 07, 2018
It's NIck's favorite beer time of the year: Narwhal Season.
That's right, this week we go hunting for elusive imperial stouts because it is that time of year.
Also we discuss these beer things
Are you "pretzel necklace guy" at beer festivals? None of us are.
A big topic that is not getting talked about enough in the craft beer world: We have lost the restaurant game. It seems to only be getting tougher and tougher to find craft beer when going out to restaurants and it sucks.
Also this week, Untappd did an update to the app that added a new feature that is going to piss off some breweries.
Time to listen to all the beer things
That and more on this week's Perfect Pour!!
Click to listen: PerfectPour267.mp348.7MB | 1:46:29 | Language Warning
Thanks for listening.
SUPPORT THE SHOW AND CHECK THESE OUT:Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 9371