
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Hurry! They are coming to shut the power off, not sure how much time we have. Listen quick before they shut us down.
Disneyland's "Star Wars Land" is open, complete with a cantina with beer. Yes, you can drink beer inside Disneyland now thanks, sorta, to George Lucas! BUT is the beer they serve Indie Beer?
We get into this and a whole lot more beer geek fun times this week. Like, what's it like shopping at Craft Beer Kings!. Have at it, beer villans and scum alike.
CLICK: PerfectPour306.mp341MB | 1:29:45 | Some Fowl Language
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Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Thursday May 30, 2019
Thursday May 30, 2019
We've got Movie Theater Beer many beer geek terms, some of which we didn't know where things. Sorry for the occasional buzz in the audio, this week.
Enjoy, Haze Boyz.
CLICK: PerfectPour305.mp348.3MB | 1:45 | Foul Language
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Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019
You know beer is serious when it's in a box. This week we have a beer from a box. But not before we listen to our listeners and say some things, like:
It's Ice Chest Season and we dream about some Yeti's.
Should Pro Brewers be rating their own beers on Untappd?
What beer do you buy when you are on a budget?
Can you walk EVERYWHERE in California Adventure with a beer?
Real sorry about the segment involving pickle talk.
CLICK: PerfectPour304.mp31:37:58 | 44.8MB | Language Alert
Thank you for listening!
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Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday May 17, 2019
Friday May 17, 2019
We finally get to talk about the whole Dogfish Head and Boston Beer Company thing. The main question is: Will it change how you drink Dogfish Head or Sam Adams?
Are Brut IPAs, like, DONE done or is there still life? Is BrewDog screwing over marketers?
More beer geek stuff when ya listen. CHEERS!
Click to download: Episode303.mp348.3MB | 1:45:40 | Bad Language
Thank you for listening!
Keep being awesome and check out these links:
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
Will Matt show up for this episode? I dunno, dude, you gotta listen.
I know. I know, Boston Beer Company bought Dogfish Head. But we're not about that because it has not happened yet. We are about what we are about this week and we are all about it.
Anywaysss. We didn't pour any beer over ice but we have a nice enough show for you. We do a little discussing of what went wrong with the Untappd Beer festival and a whole lotta other nerdyass beer geek stuff.
Click to download: PerfectPour302.mp342.3MB | 1:32:31 | Fowl Language
Thank you for listening!
Keep being awesome and check out these links:
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday May 03, 2019
Friday May 03, 2019
The next 300 episodes begin. They begin with the introduction of Strong Pales. What the hell is a Strong Pale? Have you had a Strong Pale and didn't know it? Will it be an all Strong Pale Summer? Should it be my Bike Month Beer? This episode will answer none of these questions. But those are good questions, none the less.
Much beer fun is had, as always. Please join us on our journey through the next 300 episodes!
Click to download: StrongPalesEpisode301.mp338.3MB | 1:23:51 | Fowl Language
Thank you for listening!
Keep being awesome and check out these links:
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Apr 26, 2019
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Bend the knee, other beer podcasts. We have hit 300 episodes and that means we have become the rightful heir to the Podcast Throne. But instead of a throne made of the swords of our conquered enemies, it's a throne made of all the cans of beer we've drank over the years.
YOU HEARD ME! Bend the knee or die in open combat on the bloody podcast fields!
...After you do that, please join us while we take LIVE calls from listeners and enjoy an Imperial Stout sized voicemail segment as we reflect on 300 shows, while still doing our normal brand of indie beer podcasting.
Click: PerfectPourEpisode300.mp366.9MB | 2:26:13 | Bad Language
Thank you for listening!
Keep being awesome and check out these links:
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Apr 19, 2019
Friday Apr 19, 2019
Here it is. The "World Between Worlds" episode. Let's face it, we all know we're going to forget about this episode because it's 299. Nobody remembers the episodes before the "big" episodes. But, hey, there are still things to listen to as we warm up for our 3ooth show.
Warm up with reports from Japan's beer scene, an attempt to figure out what Modern Times Brewing is up to with it's 'fan buy-in' campaign.Is there even an Easter Beer? A new song or two from Paul and, honestly, they are full of crap.
Plus much more beer-ing.
CLICK: PerfectPour299.mp337.3MB | 1:21:38 | Bad Language
Thank you for listening!
Keep being awesome and check out these links:
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Apr 12, 2019
Friday Apr 12, 2019
This week we catch up with our drinking and mention some stuff like this:
Avengers beers.
Game Of Thrones beers.
We announce our plan for Episode 300.
No this isn't the Poop Podcast.
Epic International Voicemails.
Them Enjoy By 4/20s are kinda pricey.
Record Store Day beer.
Having a beer at BJ's might not be the worst thing.
And much much more beer NERDS doing nerd stuff.
CLICK: PerfectPour298.mp353.7MB | 1:56:47 | Fowl Language
Sorry for all the poop talk.
Thank you for listening!
Keep being awesome and check out these links:
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Why do brewers move around so damn much? What the hell are "crispies"? Do hoppy Lagers last longer than hoppy pales?
These questions and more answered on this week's Perfect Pour.
CLICK: PerfectPour297.mp349.5MB | 1:48:10 | Fowl Language
Thank you for listening!
Keep being awesome and check out these links:
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our “send samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711