
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Welcome back. This week we are working down a man but still pouring with beer content.
We are going to try and figure out some beers from across the pond, wonder if Turpin style hops will be any good, discuss 'hop burn', freak out about mini-mart germs and wonder if we are doing enough for our local beer community.
Keep your door open and listen in!:
Please keep yourself safe out there!
Thank you for taking the time. Be rad to each other and stuff.
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast. Subscribe with Google Play. You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher. Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns and Paul From Fairfax.
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Drinking & Thinking Newsletter Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our send “STUFF” to us address:The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
If you need more virtual friends to drink good beer with, please join us. We will be here for you to talk and drink with ya.
Some stuff within: Are things going to be even harder for Indie Brewers to get themselves into store shelves? Can you be too drunk to Zoom with your beer friends? (it seems one of the show members were recently).How do we get work listeners (that are now have to stay home and don't listen to the show) to be listeners from home?What's up with your beer garden.
There is a lot more. Please listen and enjoy. Keep up the hand washing and staying safe.
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour355.mp3Thank you for taking the time. Be rad to each other and stuff.
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast. Subscribe with Google Play. You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher. Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns and Paul From Fairfax.
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Drinking & Thinking Newsletter Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our send “samples” to us address:The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Oh sure, we will talk about beer stuff. But the big question this week?: Why was Matt a topic of discussion on Next Door App? Listen and find out.
DOWNLOAD: PourEpisode354.mp3
Thanks for listening. Keep safe out there!
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast. Subscribe with Google Play. You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher. Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns and Paul From Fairfax.
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Drinking & Thinking Newsletter Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our send “samples” to us address:The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Beer deliveries are all over and there is a wrong way and a right way to receive those deliveries, we'll joke about it.
We walk you through how to check your oldest 5 Star Beer on Untappd.
Listen and find out how to join the Friday Night GetIts on Zoom.
Oh, and Mikey finally has a package to show off.
All this and more if you kindly listen to a new Perfect Pour:
CLICK TO PLAY or DOWNLOAD: PerectPour353.mp3
Thanks for listening. Keep safe out there!
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast. Subscribe with Google Play. You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey. MUSIC BY: Sunburns Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Drinking & Thinking Newsletter Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our send "samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay. 2037 W. Bullard Ave #153 Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Drinking and Skype-ing. Having some times. Getting updates on Chew Your Beer's family and what Paul thinks about his new music page. Those are some things that are going to happen this episode. Fun will be had. Even with the cancellation of Oktoberfest and such.
Join us!
DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour352.mp3
Thanks for listening. Keep safe out there!
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe with Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Drinking & Thinking NewsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our send "samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Hope you are keeping it safe, we are keeping it hazy and doing stuff like:
Are you going to splurge on a beer-related purchase with your Stimulus Check?
Matt reviews Brew Brothers.
A very memorable voicemail from Chew Your Beer.
Oh, and now we have a new page, just for Paul From Fairfax music! You can stream Paul music all day long!
Much more beer geeking fun. Please join!
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: perfectpour351.mp3
Thanks for listening. Keep safe out there!
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe with Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Drinking & Thinking NewsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our send "samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Hi. Thanks for being here. We have 350 episodes. Hope you have enjoyed them before and hope you enjoy this one. Let's try to take our minds of things, together, and have a listen.
CLICK: PerfectPour350.mp3
Thanks for listening. Keep safe out there!
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe with Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Drinking & Thinking NewsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our send "samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
There is too much damn bad stuff going on, we just try to provide a break for everyone with this one. Like a lot of you, we Zoomed and drank this week. Thanks for hanging with us!
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour349.mp3
Thanks for listening. Keep safe out there!
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe with Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Drinking & Thinking NewsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our send "samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
We are in our third week of weirdness and our second week of podcasting apart. Things are getting odd but it'll be alright as long as we stick together and stop checking dates (for the time being).
This week, Growlers are making a comeback, Matt tells us about some of the offsite privileges places are enjoying because of the pandemic and Nick & Matt battle in the Liquor Store Wars!
Be safe out there family! And watch out all weekend long for the special Zoom GetIts and maybe an Instagram Live from one of us!
DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour348.mp3
Find ways to support your favorite local places in this time of insanity. Empty out your beer cellar. Take care of yourself, gang, and keep up the good work now more than ever.
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Drinking & Thinking NewsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our send "samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711

Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
What even was that? In the "world between world" of this show, our everything has changed, including how we get beer.
Matt has a first-hand account of what it's like to run a beer garden as the series of events of this week unfolded. Please listen in.
DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour347.mp3
Find ways to support your favorite local places in this time of insanity. Empty out your beer cellar. Take care of yourself, gang, and keep up the good work now more than ever.
Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.Subscribe in Google Play.You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.
Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.
HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.MUSIC BY: SunburnsDrop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.
Sign up for Mikey’s Drinking & Thinking NewsletterCheck out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.
Our send "samples” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.2037 W. Bullard Ave #153Fresno, CA 93711